20. Terminology


You are already familiar with two terms that can be used to describe an algorithm - completeness and optimality. However, there are a few others that you should know before starting to learn individual graph search algorithms.

The time complexity of an algorithm assesses how long it takes an algorithm to generate a path, usually with respect to the number of nodes or dimensions present. It can also refer to the trade-off between quality of an algorithm (ex. completeness) vs its computation time.

The space complexity of an algorithm assesses how much memory is required to execute the search. Some algorithms must keep significant amounts of information in memory throughout their run-time, while others can get away with very little.

The generality of an algorithm considers the type of problems that the algorithm can solve - is it limited to very specific types of problems, or will the algorithm perform well in a broad range of problems?

Keep these concepts in mind as you learn about each search algorithm. Let’s dive into the algorithms!